4.11. Release Notes (Classic)
the folder structure has been reorganized
the name “classic” is used to refer to the present C# version (by opposition to the new nextnano.NEGF C++ version)
Improve calculation of effective temperature based on Green’s function (instead of density matrix)
Display photon genererated carrier densities when stimulated emission is accounted (PhotonGeneratedDensity_energy_resolved.vtr in the 2d plot folder)
Improve initialization of Green’s functions for faster convergence
Output the decomposition of gain in different transitions (among Wannier-Stark levels) in the semiclassical calculation
Units in LO-phonon scattering rates have been fixed.
Now the license nnNEGF.lic is supported.
The in-plane nonparabolicity model introduced in the previous update has been fixed.
The LO-phonon scattering rate output has been fixed.
Linear alloy grading is now possible:
<Layer> <!-- all the material parameters will be linearily interpolated between the <Material1> and the <Material2> -->
<Thickness unit="nm">5.0</Thickness>
2. The in-plane nonparabolicity for multiband models can be activated with the command
inside the block <Materials>...<Materials>
In the 2- and 3-band models, nonparabolicity coefficient can be used as in input material parameter. If specified, it will be used to overwrite the k.p parameters.
<NonParabolicity Unit="cm^2">1.5e-14</NonParabolicity>
4. The individual scattering rates of LO-phonon, alloy disorder and interface roughness can be output.