Automatically running processes after simulation

Properties of the input file

    datafile = "query.bat"
    call = "query.bat"
    goto_output = yes


@echo off


FOR %%? IN (*.*) DO (
    ECHO File Name Only       : %%~n?
    ECHO Name in 8.3 notation : %%~sn?
    ECHO File Extension       : %%~x?
    ECHO File Attributes      : %%~a?
    ECHO Located on Drive     : %%~d?
    ECHO File Size            : %%~z?
    ECHO Last-Modified Date   : %%~t?
    ECHO Parent Folder        : %%~dp?
    ECHO Fully Qualified Path : %%~f?
    ECHO FQP in 8.3 notation  : %%~sf?


Deleting excess output files

The script below moves the bias_00000Quantumamplitudes_quantum_region_Gamma.dat outside of the bias_00000Quantum directory (to bias_00000) and deletes the:guilabel:bias_00000Quantum directory with the entire content.


The removing command (rmdir) is called in the quiet mode (/q) such that no prompts occur and the script can be executed automatically.

    datafile = "query.bat"
    call = "query.bat"
    goto_output = yes


move "bias_00000\Quantum\amplitudes_quantum_region_Gamma.dat" "bias_00000\amplitudes_quantum_region_Gamma.dat"
rmdir /s /q "bias_00000\Quantum"

Last update: 17/07/2024