increase the size and the width of the figure shift + [right]
new simulation area strg+N

decrease the size and the width of the figure shift + [left]

decrease the size and the height of the figure shift + [up]
load scheme from file strg+O

increase the size and the height of the figure shift  + [down]

save scheme to file strg+S

move right ctrl + [right] input file
save input file strg+L

move left ctrl  + [left]
send input file via e-mail strg+E

move up ctrl + [up] layer: Add new layer alt+A

move down ctrl + [down]
remove layer alt+X

move up selected layer alt+U

undo operation strg+Z
move down selected layer alt+D

redo operation strg+Y
edit selected layer alt+F12

copy regions strg+C material properties: Material name alt+N

cut regions strg X
Alloy function alt+F

paste regions strrg+V PBC
set poisson boundary condition strg+B

clone regions strg+B
view poisson boundary condition alt+E

rotate object strg+R

doping und impurites: inpurity parameters alt+P
2 objects
alighn left shift+L
doping funktions properties alt+G

align top shift+T quantum region properties: deactivate quantum cluster alt+Q

align bottom shift B
quantum model holes alt+H

align right shift R
quantum model electrons alt+S

concatenate left strg+L view: compisite view alt+C

concatenate top strg+T
view inputfile alt+I

concatenate bottom strg+B
edit modus alt+F2

concatenate right strg+R
show grid und regions alt+F3

change simulation area zoom alt+Z
output output output raw data shift+F1 :

output 1-band-Schroedinger shift+F2 overall parameters domain coordinates strg+D

output k.p. data shift+F3
Lattice temperature Strg+T

output band structure shift+F4
simulation flow control strg+F

output densities shift+F5
magnetic filed strg+M

output strain shift+F6
default material name strg+A

output current data shift+F7

output grid shift+F8

output file format shift+F9