
Simulation dimension and orientation

Simulation coordinate system

In general, the underlying coordinate system for the simulation is a three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z). Dependent on the type of simulation, i.e. whether a one-, two- or three-dimensional simulation has to be performed, the corresponding number of axes has to be selected out of this triplet of coordinate directions. For these specifications, the keyword $simulation-dimension together with its specifiers dimension and orientation have to be used in the input file.

$simulation-dimension                      required
 dimension                 integer         required
 orientation               integer_array   required
$end_simulation-dimension                  required

Specification of the simulation domain dimension and its orientation






1 (1D)

2 (2D)

3 (3D)

Specify here if a 1D, 2D or 3D simulation is performed.


integer array of dimension 3




for 1D simulation: 1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1

for 2D simulation: 1 1 0, 1 0 1, 0 1 1

for 3D simulation: 1 1 1

The specifier orientation defines the orientation of the simulation domain relative to the (x,y,z) coordinate system. A three-dimensional array containing 0 and/or 1 is expected. The relevant axes in this array are selected using 1.

Specify here if the simulation is performed along a direction, in a plane or in a volume.

  • simulation direction (1D: x, y or z axis)

  • simulation plane (2D: (x,y), (x,z) or (y,z) plane)

  • simulation volume (3D)

Example 1 (1D)

$simulation-dimension        !
 dimension   = 1             ! 1D simulation
 orientation = 0 0 1         ! z axis
$end_simulation-dimension    !

Example 2 (2D)

$simulation-dimension        !
 dimension   = 2             ! 2D simulation
 orientation = 1 1 0         ! (x,y) plane
$end_simulation-dimension    !

Example 3 (3D)

$simulation-dimension        !
 dimension   = 3             ! 3D simulation
 orientation = 1 1 1         !
$end_simulation-dimension    !