nextnano3 - Tutorial
next generation 3D nano device simulator
3D Tutorial
3D nanocrystals (spherical quantum dots)
Stefan Birner
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spherical QD with a diameter of 1 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 1.5 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 2 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 3 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 4 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 5 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 7 nm
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spherical QD with a diameter of 10 nm
3D nanocrystals (spherical quantum dots)
This tutorial aims to reproduce Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) of
Quantum confinement energies in zinc-blende III-V and group IV
G. Allan, Y.M. Niquet, C. Delerue
Applied Physics Letters 77 (5), 639 (2000)
We consider spherical GaAs nanocrystals that are surrounded by Ga2O3
The following figure shows a GaAs nanocrystal with a diameter of 7 nm that is
surrounded by a cubic Ga2O3 matrix which has the size 18
nm x 18 nm.
The center of the spherical QD is located at (x,y,z) = (0,0,0).

To keep things simple, we assume isotropic and parabolic effective masses for
the electron and the heavy hole:
conduction-band-masses = 0.067d0 0.067d0 0.067d0 ! electron mass at Gamma conduction band
valence-band-masses = 0.5507d0
0.5507d0 0.5507d0 ! heavy hole mass
The heavy hole effective mass was obtained by spherically averaging over
all directions:
mhh,av = 1 / ( gamma1 - 0.8 gamma2 - 1.2
gamma3 ) = 0.5507
gamma1 = 6.98
gamma2 = 2.06
gamma3 = 2.93
The following figures show an isosurface (left figure) and contour plots of
2D slices (right figure) through the ground state electron wave function (psi²)
of the 7 nm spherical GaAs nanocrystal.
The following figure shows the energies of the electron ground state and the heavy hole
ground state in spherical GaAs nanocrystals as a function of the inverse of
the nanocrystal diameter d (d = 1 nm / 1.5 nm / 3 nm / 4 nm / 5 nm / 7 nm /
10 nm).
The energies of bulk GaAs are indicated by the constant lines (Ehh =
0 eV, Ecb = 1.519 eV).

This figure shows the transition energies of the electron and the heavy hole
ground states in spherical GaAs nanocrystals as a function of the inverse of
the nanocrystal diameter d (d = 1 nm / 1.5 nm / 3 nm / 4 nm / 5 nm / 7 nm /
10 nm).
The energy of bulk GaAs is indicated by the constant line (Egap =
1.519 eV).

The transition energies can be found in this file:
The following line is the relevant one where the second column shows the
transition energy in units of [eV]:
2.123806789 0.800203758
Both figures are in very good agreement with Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) of
Quantum confinement energies in zinc-blende III-V and group IV
G. Allan, Y.M. Niquet, C. Delerue
Applied Physics Letters 77 (5), 639 (2000)
The only differences arise for very small nanocrystals having a diameter of
less than 1.5 nm.
Note that the calculated values do not include the exciton correction so far.
A more realistic calculation would take into account the anisotropy of the
heavy hole masses within a 6-band k.p model, or both, electron and heavy
hole anisotropies within an 8-band k.p model. Finally, the exciton
correction should be taken into account.
The energies for the above figures have been obtained using a 0.25 nm grid
resolution which is rather coarse. The use of a finer grid is thus recommended.
Exciton correction
The following flags are needed to include the exciton corrections:
! Exciton
= yes ! 'yes' or
= yes ! 'yes' or
= 10 ! e.g. 5
(for self-consistency loop)
= 1d-6 ! e.g. 1d-5
(for self-consistency loop)
= 1 ! 1
= electron ground state
= 1 ! 1
= hole ground state
! Exciton: X0
number-of-electron-states-for-exciton = 1
! electron ground state
number-of-hole-states-for-exciton =
1 ! hole ground state
The energy of the exciton correction can be found in the file
Schroedinger_1band/exciton_energy3D.dat in the column Delta_Ex in units
of [eV].