Running nextnano++ & nextnano³ on Linux from Terminal

The nextnano++ and nextnano³ simulations can be executed from the Linux terminal by directly using the Linux executables. In order to make the programs executable, one needs to run the command chmod a+x *.exe, where (*) is replaced by the corresponding nextnano++ or nextnano³ Linux executable.

For nextnano³ simulations, you need to set the environment variable NEXTNANO by executing

$ export NEXTNANO="/<directory_name>/nextnano/<date>"

For nextnano++ simulations using the ‘Intel_Ubuntu’ executable, the path to the OpenMP library has to be specified. We ship a .so file together with the executable. Go to the folder containing the executable and run:

$ currentFolder=$(pwd)
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$currentFolder

The terminal commands for two nextnano++ and nextnano³ sample input files can then be given as follows, to be executed from the nextnano folder directory:

$ "nextnano3/bin/nextnano3_Linux_gcc_64bit.exe" -log -license "License/License_nnp.lic" -outputdirectory "Output/<name_of_input_file>" -inputfile "Sample files/nextnano3 sample files/<name_of_input_file>"
$ "nextnano++/bin/nextnano++_Linux_gcc_64bit.exe" --license "License/License_nnp.lic" --outputdirectory "Output" -log "Sample files/nextnano++ sample files/Quantum Mechanics examples/<name_of_input_file>"

Detailed documentation on command line features can be found on the pages Command Line (nextnano++) and Command Line (nextnano³). Further information and more examples can be found in the README_Linux file and the shell scripts included in the nextnano folder.

Running nextnano++ & nextnano³ on Linux using nextnanopy

nextnanopy is our open-source Python package for running simulations, sweeping variables and post-processing results. Please follow the instructions from the link.

License activation

To run a Linux-native executable, two types of licenses are available:

  1. license.txt (old licensing system, will be deprecated in the future)

  2. License_nnp.lic (new licensing system, same as Windows executable)

Which license to use depends on the Linux executable you want to run.

To obtain 1, please contact us at nextnano Help Center to request issuing the license.

To obtain 2, see License activation via command line.